Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm looking over your shoulder... only because I've got your back.

Meet our new librarian!

She's new! Well.. kinda new... since August new... Whatever, you should meet her!
Name: Ariela Berstein

Job title: Information Services Librarian

Location in Shake Library: Shake Library Room 117, the Reference desk, wandering the Computer Commons,  fighting the vending machine.

Tell us what you do in 75 words or less: I deal with electronic databases & make sure they work. I buy materials [books, dvds etc.] for the Business/Public Services and Technology divisions. I go into classes & show students our resources & how to get an A on an assignment. I do website maintenance, beta testing, & I run our Facebook page too [Like us!]. I also work on the reference desk answering people’s questions in person, on the phone, via chat or email.
Choose one service that your department provides that you want the VU community to be aware of: Group study rooms! We have two nice study rooms you can check out for 4 hours. They’re great for groupwork or when you need to practice a presentation.

What is your favorite website? . I love these comics! They are hilarious and I eagerly anticipate their musings on all manner of things: From color swatches to their commentary on the love life of sandwiches
What is your favorite book in the Shake Library collection? Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier (C527g, 1st floor -fiction) has been a favorite for a number of years. I love the mix of history, art and mystery. I also love movies and music and I’m really excited about two new books we got at the library. Sondheim on music: minor details and major decisions by Mark Eden Horowitz. (782.14 S698h 2010) and Complete guide to film scoring: the art and business of writing music for movies and TV by Richard Davis (781.542 D263c 2010). The second looks at the history of film scores, how the process works, and also has interviews with some of the most amazing composers today.

When I'm not at work, you can find me... Stuffing my face, planning vacations (5 continents and counting!), on ColbertNation, donating via Kiva, or teaching myself to play guitar.
One thing few people know about you… I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Title Source: the Colbert Report.

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