Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Robert Slayton, Former LRC Dean, Named Interim Provost

A longtime dean has been appointed as the interim provost at Vincennes University, according to an announcement from VU President Dick Helton. Robert A. Slayton, former dean of the Learning Resources Center, will assume the post. Slayton came to VU in 1972 before retiring this past spring. A state leader in the field of academic libraries and educational technologies, Slayton served three times as president of the board of the Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority and has served on the board of the Academic Libraries of Indiana. He also has been an active participant with the Community College League for Innovation for many years. Slayton may be contacted by e-mail at provost@vinu.edu, or by calling 4262. (From Duane Chattin, VU Director of Public Information)

“Bob brings an extensive knowledge of VU and its faculty and staff to this position. He has been a leader in many of the efforts that have moved VU forward and I have confidence that he will continue to demonstrate such dedication as interim provost.”
--VU President Dick Helton

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